AI POWERED Video recognition
& visual search API for your business

Visual AI That Helps in Many Areas

All-in-one AI based solution to Design.

Manufacturing & Industries

Artificial Intelligence in an easy to use package. Smart machine learning techniques improved to the max. Tools for quick use.

Biotech & Medtech AI

Use your biomedical expertise at full blast with AI. Microbiology samples, X-rays, skin lesions — these and other challenges are evaluated by experts.

Real Estate

Find visually similar homes or industry properties. Classify images to get insight about features of rooms.

Stock Photo AI

Get the most out of your stock photo collection with AI-powered tools. From photo recognition to color extraction, we've got you covered.


Find the Ideal Solution For Your Business


Object Detection

Train your custom automatic object detection able to spot, mark & count objects of different types.


Image Classification

Train your own AI to categorize, tag and organize images automatically. Combine it with other services & use it via API or deploy offline.



Advanced image annotation tool for detailed and quick annotation of large collections in a team. Draw boxes & polygons, and get automatic annotating suggestions. Work in a team and track progress on the jobs.


Visual Search Solutions

Bring relevant and personalized product recommendations with true visual & similarity search. Match identical photos, eliminate duplicates & enrich galleries.

Pricing Plans

Choose the plan that meets your vision.


PRO : Annual

Best-fit for all businesses

$3990/ annum

No Products & Sales Limits

PRO : Monthly

Perfect for all businesses

$399 / month

No Products & Sales Limits

Enterprise Plan

Suited to your needs

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